Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wind Training Today

If you want to get stronger on the bike, include training on the hard days and also include hills.  Today was one of those "good training days" with some serious wind.  I biked the backroads of a town north of where I live that has two-lane rough chipseal roads and rolling hills.  It is also at over 4000 ft. elevation which adds to the training.  My friend Kathi biked with me.  She is a strong biker.  It was good to have company out on the  isolated backroads.  These backroads are similar to the two-lane "rough and hilly roads of Wildflower which I will be racing on May 4th.  Sometimes I think wind and hills should count double mileage because you have to work twice as hard!  I cannot tell you how many times I have raced and people complained about the wind... and I thought, "What wind?!"... So, try to include wind training (with some hills tossed in) and think of it as your "training friend.

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